Privacy policy

Privacy policy BuzzBoost

Welcome to BuzzBoost, an innovative influencer marketing platform that bridges the gap between influencers and businesses. It offers an efficient and streamlined way for influencers to collaborate with brands and for companies to promote their products and services through the most appropriate influencers. We take your privacy seriously and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other relevant laws and regulations when processing your personal data. You can read more about how we handle your personal data in this privacy statement.

Contact details

If you have any questions about how we handle your data or wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us at

What data do we process and for what purposes?

Contact via the website, by e-mail or by phone

If you contact us via our website, by e-mail or by phone, we collect your name, e-mail address and/or telephone number. We use this data to be able to contact you. We use this data to be able to contact you and keep it for up to 2 years after we last contacted you.  

Comments on our social media channels

When you respond to a post on one of our social media channels, we process your username, profile picture and any data you provide yourself in your responses. These reactions will remain until you delete them yourself.

Photo and video shoots

We regularly organise photo and video shoots. We may use the results of these photo and video shoots for promotional purposes on our website and/or social media channels. By participating in such a photo and/or video shoot, you give us permission to do so.

Legal claims

If legal claims arise, we may process personal data to stand up for our rights. In this case, we have a legitimate interest to process personal data for this purpose. We naturally hope that this kind of situation will not arise.

Using the BuzzBoost app

When you create an account in our app, we process personal data. More information on this can be found in the privacy policy in our app.

Processing of personal data by third parties

We may provide personal data to third parties as necessary to provide our services and fulfil our agreement with you. These third parties are designated as processors and process your personal data in accordance with our instructions and not for their own purposes.

We use processors for the following services:

  • Website hosting and e-mail traffic
  • IT party to host and maintain the app
  • CRM systems
  • Bookkeeper for our financial records
  • Invoicing system to send invoices

Click HERE for a full list of the processors we use.

We only use third parties with whom we have a processing agreement. They only process your data on our behalf and do not use it for other purposes.

Wherever possible, we try to use processors based and processing data within the EEA. Occasionally, we may use services outside the EEA. We only do so if the companies concerned are based in countries designated as adequate by the European Commission or if the security of personal data is otherwise guaranteed.


We use cookies to help you navigate our website efficiently and perform certain functions.

Necessary (functional) cookies are stored in your browser because they are essential for enabling basic site functions. These cookies do not collect personal data.

We also use third-party cookies that help us analyse how you use this website, store your preferences and provide content and advertisements that are relevant to you. These cookies are stored in your browser only with your prior consent. These are cookies from the following third parties:

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics collects data relating to the device and browser used, IP address and activity on the site or in the app to measure and report statistics on user interactions with the websites and/or apps using Google Analytics. We use this data to optimise our services.
  • Hotjar: Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users' experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they click on, what users like and dislike, etc.). This allows us to build and maintain our service based on user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data about the behaviour of our users and their devices. This includes a device's IP address (processed during your session and stored in an anonymised form), device screen size, device type (unique device IDs), browser information, geographical location (country only) and the preferred language used to display our website. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymised user profile. Hotjar is contractually prohibited from selling the data collected on our behalf. For more information, please visit the Hotjar support site.
  • Retargeting: We set cookies for retargeting purposes.

You can choose to enable or disable some or all of these third-party cookies, but disabling some of them may affect your browsing experience.

Data security

We handle your data with care and take measures against loss, theft, unauthorised access or unwanted disclosure. Computers, laptops, phones, hard drives and other devices on which data is stored are protected by passwords. We do not use public WiFi networks to carry out our work. We ensure that we always work with the latest version of operating systems, software and plugins and always install new security updates as soon as possible. The website is secured with a comprehensive SSL certificate or similar technology.  


Your rights

Because we process personal data about you, you have a number of rights that you can exercise. These include:

  • The right to access the data we hold on you;
  • The right to correct inaccurate or incomplete data;
  • Right to have data deleted;
  • The right to object if you disagree with our balancing of interests when processing based on our legitimate interest;
  • The right to restrict the processing of personal data pending the resolution of another right.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but at the latest within one month. If your request is excessive or very complex, we will have longer to comply with your request. If this is the case, we will notify you within one month.

Should we not come to an agreement among ourselves, you have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority. To do so, please visit


Third-party websites

This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites linked to our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data reliably or securely. If you access a third-party website via a link, we recommend that you read the privacy statement of that website.


Google APIs

The use and transfer of information received by BuzzBoost from Google APIs to another app will comply with the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the requirements for Restricted Use.


Changes to the privacy statement

This privacy statement relates to the website and services as we currently offer them. Should any changes occur that also relate to the way we process personal data, this privacy statement will also be amended. This, of course, also applies to changes in laws and regulations. The new privacy statement will be published on the website and/or in the BuzzBoost app. Should the changes be of direct relevance to you or far-reaching in nature, we will also communicate this directly.


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Buzzboost Group B.V. (KvK: 93338589) © 2024 All rights reserved.